Posts tagged 'Development'

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POSTS 2 - 6

#6 - GSoC 2017 - Coding Period | Week 1

Software Development Documentation Ruby GSoC 2017

Through this blog post, I'd like to document my progress in the first week of the Coding period, Google Summer of Code 2017. Contains updates regarding HTML Importer, Repository setup, Porting existing IO modules of daru and adding fxixture files.

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#5 - A Ruby API gem for platform

Software Development Documentation Ruby is a social-media platform for inbound marketers. This is a ruby API gem to programatically perform tasks like login, follow, unfollow, search on portal. This helps many start-ups in implementing automated growth-hacking in their initial phase, to have a wider audience channel.

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#4 - GitHub Follower Notification App

Web Software Design Development Documentation Ruby Ruby on Rails

GitHub Follower Notification App is a simple web app that notifies the user about new followers / unfollowers on GitHub. This blog post describes the working of the App.

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#3 - The Covariance Confusion

TEAM AUV IIT Kharagpur Software Development Rant Python

Despite our very best efforts to remain aware and concentrated, we do come across times when we're confused with a very small issue and then later feel silly about the same. Here's a geek rant about a silly confusion that I experienced, a few months back.

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#2 - Kharagpur Winter of Code 2016

Metakgp IIT Kharagpur Web Software Development Experience Python Ruby

Kharagpur Winter of Code is a one-month long open-source contribution fest organised by Kharagpur Open Source Society. As a mentor of 7 projects, it felt great to guide newbies of different skill-sets in contributing to the projects. This post aims to document all the proceedings in different projects that happened during KWoC 2016.

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