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POSTS 2 - 6

#6 - A Tale of GitHub Usernames

Experience Documentation

Why did Bruce Wayne call himself Batman, or Barry Allen call himself the Flash? Nicknames and alter egos in general, have a wide variety of interesting origin stories. This post is an honest attempt to crowd-source, collect and document the information about how the GitHub handles described in this post, came into existence.

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#5 - A Ruby API gem for platform

Software Development Documentation Ruby is a social-media platform for inbound marketers. This is a ruby API gem to programatically perform tasks like login, follow, unfollow, search on portal. This helps many start-ups in implementing automated growth-hacking in their initial phase, to have a wider audience channel.

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#4 - GitHub Follower Notification App

Web Software Design Development Documentation Ruby Ruby on Rails

GitHub Follower Notification App is a simple web app that notifies the user about new followers / unfollowers on GitHub. This blog post describes the working of the App.

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#3 - The Covariance Confusion

TEAM AUV IIT Kharagpur Software Development Rant Python

Despite our very best efforts to remain aware and concentrated, we do come across times when we're confused with a very small issue and then later feel silly about the same. Here's a geek rant about a silly confusion that I experienced, a few months back.

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#2 - Kharagpur Winter of Code 2016

Metakgp IIT Kharagpur Web Software Development Experience Python Ruby

Kharagpur Winter of Code is a one-month long open-source contribution fest organised by Kharagpur Open Source Society. As a mentor of 7 projects, it felt great to guide newbies of different skill-sets in contributing to the projects. This post aims to document all the proceedings in different projects that happened during KWoC 2016.

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